Earlier this year, I resolved to make blankets for my four pregnant co-workers. There's always something special about creating things for babies, and my knitting/crocheting mojo was badly in need of a kick start.
BabyAyesis was born last month, and I've already made her a hat, and her mom comes back today, and she'll have this diagonal stitch crochet blanket waiting for her.
On the Diagonal
The diagonal box stitch is a favorite pattern of mine although I haven't broken it out in a while. I made this afghan in 2004 for a friend's granddaughter, another one for my sister, and this one won a ribbon at the local fair, but I cannot remember who I ended up giving it to.
I love how fast it works up, and it makes up for a strechy and cushy piece of work.
Now that I tamed the gauge monster that was the Little Sister pattern, I added buttons to the hats. The ladies at work informed me that the violet one will fit the 10 month old and the other one will fit a 0-3 month old.
I also finished up an adult hat.
I do want one in white/cream as well.
Just Let the Groove Get In
Now that my knitting/crocheting mojo has kicked in somewhat, I'm feeling this as my next project.
I know that it's April, and while it's odd that the mojo wishes to make a wool hat, I'm so glad she's back that I will not argue matters of seasonality with her.
Any way my knitting groove can get in is fine by me.
I'll dig out some Dream in Color and get to work on her this weekend. Hoping for a smooth knit with no gauge issues. Still working on the baby blankets too. Pleased with the progress.
I know that the latest Justin Timberlake album, The 20 20 Experience isn't supposed to appeal to my demographic*, and some may feel that it doesn't have the right hipster factor, but overall, I kind of dig it. True, the songs can go on too long and the themes can be repetitive and way, way overproduced, but it has its share of good tunes.
(This is a reworking of yesterday's post, which has been deleted.)
My Moment of Zen
As I refashion the baby blankets (more on that in my next post post), I'm delighted to feel traces of my long lost knitting and crocheting mojo returning. It's a warming feeling that starts as my fingers work the yarn and it moves toward my heart, and I lose myself in the work.
The other day, I was hanging out with some knitsibs, working on the one of the blankets when a friend asked me the other day if I like knitting or crocheting better.
It wasn't just any friend, it was Beth Parrott, one of the best knitters I know and a published author. She's also generous with her advice. If you want to know why one cast on is better than another for a project--or any any of those knitting questions you are afraid to ask, just ask her; she will know.
Anwyay, I started with my standard response that I love both knitting and crocheting (I do), and I find different purposes for both (true). She said that although I knit well, when I crochet, I visibly relax, and it seems as if the crocheting is effortless--a part of me.
Something hit me; I didn't know what to say; I blabbed something I forgot. It means so to me coming from her. Also, tears welled up in my eyes because I realized that I have found it.
I'm not a religous person, and I have tried meditation, but normally, in spite of all the good advice, videos, and book, I usually sit there and worry. Beth's remarks struck me like a bolt out of the blue. I've had my way of meditiation all along.
My own moment of Zen. It's what I knit and crochet for. I know it seems silly that I'm just getting around to this relevation, but there you have it.
Is my mojo back?
One Stubborn Sister
I saw this on my Facebook news feed the other day and I just had to make it.
It's the Little Sister hat pattern, and I need something quick, cute, and easy to keep me on the mojo track. A co-worker has a 10 month old daughter, and even though it's springtime, she could get some wear out of a little cotton hat. I don't sew, so I'll crochet a flower accent instead.
I normally so this so for a hat, but I grabbed some yarn and set about a gauge swatch...or two..or three.
(BTW, I love my gauge wizard ruler.)
The pattern calls for a 3.75 mm hook, so I since I crochet on the tight side, I started out with a 4.0 mm, then went to a 3.5 mm, then a 3. Still not quite the gauge. Going to a smaller hook wouldn't work well with the yarn, so I tried a toddler size with the 3.o.
Thought I would run out of yarn, and looking too big.
Switched yarns and tried again. Made abut 90% of the hat, more than shown here.
Yes. Too big.
A baby size with a 3.0. Added an extra row to make it look better and whipped up a small flower.
Cute, but more a child size.
Next, I modified the pattern, taking away a repeat and tried the baby size on a 3.0 mm again.
Feeling better now. I made a flower for the violet one from my favorite flower pattern from Dot Matthews. I skipped the last last of petals, though.
So much for a quick and easy project, but with the mods, this may be a good project. I'll take both to work tomorrow, and see if the sizes work, but all of this makes me realize just how much I love the process.
And it is a process...
Back in Fashion
Music is another form of mediation. I love so many types of music. Tunes are always running in the background of my thoughts, and I often pick one up and run with it. I share some of it with others on social media. I would do more, but I feel that what I share makes me seem crazy enough already.
My obession with the band Depeche Mode began back when I was in the Air Force, and a friend lent me the cassette tapes ofDepeche Mode 101. While I knew a couple of hits, I really didn't follow the band, but upon listening, I became obessed. I listened to nothing else for a month or so. Then I went retro, and brought all their previous albums.
I saw the video of Personal Jesus, and went to the BX the next day to buy Violator, still their best album, and how I love Enjoy the Silence.
The video reminds me of an episode of Babar when he couldn't find any place where he could be left alone. I don't know if that was on the director's mind when he produced this video, but that was the first thing that came to mine.
Also Corbijn's use of color and scenery are spectaular.
Last week, the boys released their latest album, Delta Machine, and while it's no Violator, isn't not bad. Here's the first video, Heaven.
The nearest they come to Charleston is Atlanta in September. My knitting, crocheting, and I should go.
I've spent the morning doing what every good crocheter should be doing or have done.
Making shamrocks, of course.
I found a quick pattern here. I can whip one up in about five minutes, so it makes a great last minute gift for someone who forgot to wear green, and although I didn't have the shade of green that I wanted, I kept it stash mindfulness and it's green enough.
The ones in the photo above were given to my Knitsibs at the LYS. I'm finishing another batch for co-workers.
Playing Catch Up
I should have had my Oriel Cardigan done by now, but I was under the weather for a while, and didn't want to knit lace in on drugs.
I did get the Rowan #43 and the yarn for the Helon Dress should arrive soon.
I also started a prayer shawl for a friend.
Green Thoughts
More on those projects later. Today's song is from one of my favorite 80's albums, Green Thoughts by The Smithereens
Okay, a song about wrestling with jealous thoughts probably isn't the best match for a St. Patrick's Day post, but the title fits and Pat DiNizio has a great voice, so it stays.
May the luck of the Irish be with you today.
An Old Irish Blessing
May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours!
After a few days of rain and cloudiness, the sun finally came out yesterday, so I got to show off my Mauve.
I was channeling Naomi Campbell and was a bit on the difficult side. Thanks to Patrick for being patient with me. I really wanted good photos of the skirt.
Yarn: Rowan Yorkshire Tweed 4 ply in Deep Aubergine, 12 balls (This yarn is discontinued, but it's fingering weight)
Size: S/M
Started/Finished: January 17, 2011/February 3, 2011
Modifications: Did two more rows of decreases to make the waist smaller
Notes: I loving it! Why did it take me five years to make the second skirt?
...And the Winners Are...
Thanks for the comments on my blogiversary post. It took longer than I thought to corral Patrick into choosing a winner since he liked all the comments, but he finally broke down and chose Dorothy and Angie as the winners of Home-Ec 101 book when it comes out late next month.
I think he's a sucker for comments that mention him.
However, since I'm feeling a bit Oprahesque today, I would like to make everyone who commented that day a small handmade gift of my choosing (Sorry, no car!) . Perhaps it may be a hat, mitts, potholder--whatever--but it will be in the several months or so.
I appreciate all your kindness and encouragement.
You're all winners.
It Takes An Army
Last week, I was surprised when I heard about The White Stripes breaking up. I thought that they had broken up some time ago especially since Jack White has been so busy with so many other things.
So, to honor Jack and Meg, here's Seven Nation Army. This song and video stopped me cold when I first heard it.
By the way, if you like Jack White, Bono, Jimmy Page, guitar music, or documentaries, I highly recommend It Might Get Loud. I wouldn't know a chord it a stack fell on top of me, but I love watching people who love what they do and learning about the process.
In Charleston, a good light cardigan can get you through most of the year. This one steps out of my fashion ascetic just a little, but I like it, and I'm into things I can dress up or down.
Nice back view too. While I have a bit more "trunk junk" than the model, I think I can make this work.
Tatiana's Sweater
I'm on the fence. leaning towards a like on Tatiana's Sweater. She's pretty, but does she have too much going on?
I have several yarn candidates in stash that may work, but not feeling up to a stash dive this early in the day.
There is a stole and a scarf in the preview that were just fine. This throw is beautiful. Most of the rest didn't move me. I like entrelac, but this top would just make me look larger.
Still, I never completely know how I will react to a magazine until I actually see it. There have been items that I didn't like at first until I saw someone make it, and it came to life.
So we'll see.
My Free Friday
Had a good day yesterday. Enjoyed my lunch and Blue Valentine was a great movie. Slow, gritty, and complex, it follows one bad, possibly final, weekend of a marriage interspersed with scenes from the couple's meeting and courtship.
You'll find no rainbows or RomCom madcap conventions here, and some of the scenes are difficult to watch, but Gosling and Williams's performances are simply brilliant.
I was deeply moved, and it will stay with me for a while.
Couldn't Get It Right
Putting on my bellbottoms, donning a Peter Max t-shirt, slipping on some platforms and straightening up my Afro puffs to kick it back to the Sensational Seventies!
We're staying with the movie theme--and because I heard it somewhere yesterday--here's Couldn't Get it Right by the Climax Blues Band.
Love the young brothers looking grinning at the camera.
Kept on looking for a sign in the middle of night/...But I couldn't see the light/No, I couldn't the light/Kept on looking for a way to take me through the night/I couldn't get it right...
Here is my first unsteady post from February 1, 2004.
Geesh, no photos! I can't imagine doing a post without photos today.
I started blogging as a way to capture the progress of my crocheting and budding knitting projects. Although it's always been public, I didn't start it to gain followers or meet people, or as a writing exercise, or to share my life.
However it's become that and more, and I'm grateful for it.
All Thru the Years
Excuse this trip down the cobblestones of memory lane, but indulge me for today...
Favorite Posts: A Life Between Us has to be my favorite Someone wrote that this post brought tears to their eyes, and that brought tears to mine.
Another of my favorites is Named for Me; I have yet to start that tank. Of course, I have the yarn.
I guess I should throw in the Solo Tank. I'm very pleased with it.
Of Course, There's a Contest (or Flattery May Get You Something)
Enough of me admiring my own posts and projects; I want to hear from you. Please comment on something you like about the blog--a post, project, whatever, and I'll enter you into a drawing for a book.
My friend Heather Solos is the brains behind one of my favorite blogs, Home-Ec 101.com, and her book is hitting the streets next month, and excited that she is graciously donating a couple of books for the contest.
I have actually exploded an egg in a microwave--literally had egg on my face-- so no one is going to mistake me for Martha Stewart, but I get so much from Heather's sensible and sane approach to running a household, and I think any and everyone can benefit from it.
The contest will run thru Thursday, and I'll have Patrick pick the winners although he doesn't know it yet. I may have Mauve finished; I may not.
What's more is that I will make the winners a small project (hat, scarf, mitts, dishcloth--who knows) of my own choosing to add to the book.
So, let the praise begin! Keep in mind, however, that you won't get the book until next month.
Thanks, Y'all
Thanks to all of you for reading, commenting, complementing, and encouraging through the seven years of VCB. You have been wonderful, and you keep me coming back.
Of course, a true celebration wouldn't be complete without a Crowded House reference. Long time readers know of my obsession.
Most of all, thanks for allowing me to share with you a little of the world where I live. It means a lot to me.
This is why I need to exercise stash mindfulness and look before I buy. I went diving through most of my stash, and here's what I came up with for dishcloth cotton yarn.
Yipes! I do live in fear of someone calling Hoarders on me.
While I have way over enough cotton for the Potholder swap and for gifts, I did need some more solid colors, so now I could go out and shop with confidence.
Careful readers will note that I already had enough yellow, but now the right yellow. By nature, I'm not a perfectionist, but somethimes I get picky.
By the way, do you like the bag? My Larger Than Life Bag, so lovingly lined by my knitsib, Pam, is still a workhorse.
Getting it Done
I wanted to get Mauve done this weekend, but after an unseasonably cold winter so far, it was in the 70's and sunny in the Holy City and one of my favorite places to have lunch had its grand opening this weekend in my part of town.
Got involved in catching up onDowtown Abbey. I'm such a sucker for stuff like that.
I really needed to catch up on some sleep too. My sleep cycles have been out of whack lately.
Well, I did get a little done on Mauve. Almost all of the squares are sewn together, and I have only four more to crochet and attach before crocheting the waistband.
I also started the potholders.
I will make two of each. One for the swap and the other for someone else. I have someone in mind for the Cupcake Potholder. The one in the greens is the Scalloped Potholder. I do need to get the second side made.
I purchased Easy to Crochet Potholders from the LYS Saturday. I've want the book for awhile, and I'll get something cute out of that.
A friend posted this song on Facebook the other day. I hadn't heard it in years, and I love Lennon's fly '70's fashion.
I could go on about being peeved about not getting Mauve done when I thought she should be, but whatever gets me through it will be all right. I had a lovely weekend and that's what counts.
Anyway, tomorrow is a day to celebrate! Hope you'll be here!
Most of the motifs are crocheted--only five more left-- and sewn in strips so I can start on the waistband this weekend and get some velvet ribbon for the tie.
I've actually manged to settle down and enjoy the sewing too.
Should have mentioned them in my Tool Time post, but as someone who has difficutly in drawing a straight line with a ruler, I love my Knit Klips. They are so very, very helpful.
Glad I got a few packs when I did because they seem to be hard to find.
My plan is to have the skirt done this weekend, so I can premier it Monday night.
Go Me!
I can't stay away from '80's music for long.
I have the entire album--along with my Yo-Yo Ma, Cee Lo, The Dead Weather, Lady Antebellum, and of course, Crowded House on my iPod.
Last July, during my Blog Hiatus of 2010, I knitted a hat for the baby daughter of a knitsib. However, through forgetfulness and just plain slackitude, I just gave the hat to her last week.
I'm glad it still fits. Does Briggs look too-too cute in her Ruffled Striped Hat?
It took a day or so to knit and six months to get to a local recipient. I'm on target.
By the way, if I ever make you something (I'm foreshadowing here), please send me a of photo you wearing or using it. I enjoy looking at people enjoying my projects.
It never gets old.
Half Moon
I'm going to step into th 21st century with today's music selection. It's Half Moon by Iron and Wine, from the newly releasedKiss Each Other Clean. I heard this on NPR recently, and was captivated.
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