I Love TdF Saturdays!
I'm taking it easy today, watching the Tour de France and knitting on my latest project the SoloTank.
The armholes are shapes and I'm working on the neckline. So far, so good. Hopefully, I can get the knitting all done this weekend and start putting her together although I always have seaming drama.
Goodbye Marianne!
One of the things that have been a blessing for me with my knitting and crocheting is the people that I've met (both on line and IRL). I'm an introvert by nature, and it's difficult for me to make connections with others. My needlework has helped me bring something to the table.
One of those people that has made my Saturday trips to the LYS so pleasant has been Marianne. This week, she left Charleston for Tampa, and last Saturday, some of us got together at Social to say goodbye.
Marianne, Me, and Connie
Knit and Purl Tats! That's how we roll!
Hanging with the Knitsibs: Suzanne, Pam, Marianne, Connie. Jean and Sarah in the back.
More Knitsibs, Sara, Beth , Gloria, and Tina
All together now!
It's only been a few days, and I miss her already, but Tampa isn't that far from Charleston, and there's always facebook.
Goodbye and good luck!
Solo is looking so lovely. I'm not much of one for wearing tanks, but it's very tempting.
Posted by: Dorothy | July 18, 2009 at 08:23 PM
that colorway for the solo tank is CUUTE! i completely understand about being an introvert. knitting has been an excellent gateway to meeting some awesome people all over the globe (and locally).
Posted by: Knitty Cent | July 20, 2009 at 07:08 PM